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Jorge Domínguez Dubuc

This tag is associated with 1 posts

Research-led film: After Trujillo (with Jorge Domínguez Dubuc, 2016)

Eighteen months in the making, in November 2016, Jorge and I travelled back to Santo Domingo to present the research-led documentary that we filmed during our field trip to the Dominican Republic in 2015. It was fascinating to hear people’s different reactions to the film, which revisits the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961) to examine the ways in which political power and spatial arrangements intersected, as well as to retrace the emergence of the resistance movements that opposed his violent regime. By interviewing a range of people, from academics to custodians of memory sites and the dictator’s abandoned homes, we sought to get a sense of the way collective memory has taken shape after Trujillo.

Encuentro sobre Videoarte con Nayarí Castillo y Jorge Domínguez Dubuc en CCCH el próximo lunes

Los artistas participarán en la proyección comentando dos curadurías de video realizadas por Lorena González para el Festival de Lectura Chacao.

El videoarte muestra sus facetas a través de la obra de 28 artistas (EL NACIONAL)


Los trabajos audiovisuales, en conjunto, suman alrededor de 90 minutos, divididos en 4 loops por el curador invitado Luis Velásquez.”


El taller “Prácticas Contemporáneas en la Era Digital” está dirigido a estudiantes de arte y de cine, fotógrafos, diseñadores, videoartistas, performancistas, comunicadores sociales, profesionales de otras áreas, y público en general interesado en esta vertiente de las artes visuales contemporáneas.