My research is rooted in the Environmental Humanities, with a focus on cultural histories of human-river relations, ecocritical analysis of art and literature, and creative environmental activism. I’m interested in the forms that environmental aesthetics take when what is at stake are more-than-human geohistories, territories in dispute or dissolution, and nonhuman agencies. Situated within Latin American Cultural Studies, my doctoral and postdoctoral work focused on urban space and post-dictatorship sites as witnesses of the interfaces of modernization, authoritarianism and political violence in the Caribbean. Through deep archival research, analysis of state policies, urban space, and visual culture, this work uncovered architectural, infrastructural and ephemeral spectacles of progress, while probing collective memories about their contested and often ruined aftermaths.
I thrive on fostering knowledge exchange and creative collaborations, so my publications and editorial work reflect the active networks I cultivate with scholars and practitioners across Latin America, the US and Europe. This selection includes recent edited journals and books, and peer-reviewed articles, several in Spanish and Portuguese as well as English. For a full list, see my CV and Google Scholar. For PDFs, please reach out via email.