Podcast: Discussing Water Futures on Huevos Revueltos con Política, Colombia

In November 2024, entre—ríos was invited to feature in a live podcast recording to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of independent journalism outlet, La Silla Vacía. Held in Bogotá, the event featured live talks with politicians and activists to discuss “acuerdos para el futuro de Colombia” —agreements for Colombia’s future on four topics, including water.

Open Access – “How to eat a river: Metabolic Literacies, Curatorial Practice and Cultures of Care” in eco-operations

By sharing experiences we witnessed of daily care for the watershed’s ecosystems, its organic vegetable plots, seed banks and community spaces, “How to eat a river” maps a different reality of one of the world’s most polluted rivers, demonstrating how small-scale actions make a tangible difference and enable the imagination of alternative futures.

SEEKCommons, 7-8 December, 2024, UC Berkeley

I recently had an incredible opportunity to get intensive feedback from a range of digital commons experts on how to support transitions to a care- and commons-oriented water culture in this polluted watershed through our organizing and communications work with entre-ríos.

Book launch for Momentum: Art & Ecology in Contemporary Latin America

Happy to hear that this new publication, developed over the past four years, is finally out in the world! My chapter, “Imagining Post-Extractivist Futures,” explores how contemporary artistic, curatorial and collaborative projects are doing important critical and imaginative work both to expose the destructive logics of extractivism and to nurture relations and actions for postextractive …

Weaving Care Networks in the Bogotá River Watershed, Uni St Gallen

Crouching on the banks of the Bogotá River, after its serpentine path through Colombia’s capital city’s urban sprawl, the smell is overpowering. Islands of white foam sail by on a stream of black water, which navigates car tires, clothes and plastic containers, tangled layers of waste sedimented over time, making the riverbanks an archive of …

How to eat a river? Upcoming talk in UC Berkeley

When we eat, we are always eating landscapes. Water and chemicals flow into food, then into the microbes dining in our intestines, connecting us metabolically to ecosystems where food production takes place. This talk will reflect on food as a medium to cultivate awareness of hydrosocial interdependence and stimulate more equitable modes of coexistence, care, …

Hydrocommoning, Cultural Studies Colloquium, UC Santa Cruz

In this talk, I presented ‘hydrocommoning’ as a concept to think with emergent water cultures by asking what work a theory and praxis of hydrocommoning might do to support transitions to alternative hydrosocial relations beyond modern urban and extractive paradigms. I laid out a methodological route for interdisciplinary water research that takes seriously situated embodied …

Mapping Hydrocommons Cultures in the Americas, UC Santa Cruz

We’re grateful to Prof. Amanda Smith from UC Santa Cruz for the invitation to give the inaugural session of the brand new More-than-human(ities) Laboratory. In this session, we’ll talk about a series of mapping processes that we’ve been engaged in with river communities in Latin America. We’ll explore how art and humanities research intersects with …