In November 2024, entre—ríos was invited to feature in a live podcast recording to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of independent journalism outlet, La Silla Vacía. Held in Bogotá, the event featured live talks with politicians and activists to discuss “acuerdos para el futuro de Colombia” —agreements for Colombia’s future on four topics:
- That no child goes hungry
- For all Colombians to have enough and good quality water.
- Access to quality information from the State and media.
- Insertion into a world economy dominated by AI
Together with sound artist, Leonel Vásquez, who entre—ríos has been collaborating with since our foundation in 2019, we took to the stage with podcast host, Tatiana Duque, to discuss how taking steps to fair provision of clean water first requires transforming our relationship to water, thinking of it not as a natural resource at the service of human society, but a vital connective substance that we hold in common.
Leonel performed for the audience of politicians and journalists the “songs” of water brought from the highland páramo where he lives, and we talked about the importance of art, not for art’s sake, but art for the sake of water.
Now the podcast is online here in the popular Huevos revueltos con política, available on Spotify.