Nos toca hablar del agua, presentation for Cuerpo Enjambre, Bogotá, 6.3.25

I don’t always have the opportunity or context to speak from the intimate place of my relationship with waters. I am grateful for the invitation from the convenors of Cuerpo Enjambre, a collective experience in co-learning and co-creation.

Preparing this talk allowed me to return to old materials and to review images and videos that I have made over the last seven years. Although I have been writing and researching about some rivers in the territories we now call Latin America for some time, I know that the reasons why I research and think with our common waters are personal. And because they are personal, they are also political. Offering this talk was a way to share, through a performance lecture, a series of gestures of thinking somatically, or we could say, thinking-feeling, through which we move between the very intimate and personal towards the common and shared, giving form to an affective and relational liquid ecology.

Mundo Común is a fantastic Bogota-based initiative that facilitates encounters between humans and the more-than-human, in their multiple dimensions of relationship, restoring the diversity and resilience of the complex web of bodies-territories as life-supporting ecosystems. To learn more about the platform, visit:

Below, select slides from my presentation, revisiting processes of immersion in the Stour River valley on the Essex-Suffolk border, working with Colombian artist Alberto Baraya, and in conversation with Karen Barad, Isabelle Stengers, John Constable and Giuseppe Penone.

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